Cadence, Ripley – Ripley Valley
Location: Ipswich, QLD
Client: AVJennings
Est Value: $120 Million
Project Management and Coordination
The project is a 276-lot greenfield residential development located in Ripley Valley west of Brisbane, Queensland.
Working closely with AV Jennings Properties Limited to provide Project Investigation and Urban Engineering services which include understanding the site constraints and development opportunities for the project.
Construction involves clearing works, bulk earthworks, civil subdivisional works and trunk water and sewer infrastructure. Coordination with members of the consultant team and authorities was a critical part of the services provided.
Preparing strategy reports on trunk sewer for assessment by Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) was which one of the project critical milestone items undertaken. Preparing construction tender documentation and managing the tender and construction phases for each stage of the works. Total contract value $ 22M across 8 contracts. Phase 1 of the earthworks $1.2M contract involves 120,000m3 of cut to fill.